About the Ministry

Our Vision Statement
I want Christians to enjoy the covenant promises of God and to learn to resist the devil so he must flee from them.

Mission Statement
To minister healing and deliverance, and to teach the Body of Christ how to resist the devil, maintain physical and emotional healing, experience renewal, and become empowered to share the love of Jesus Christ with the world.

Here is a summary of Bob’s ministry:
When we choose to handle things on our own, rather than abiding in Jesus, we create “alters” (see definition, below) within our hearts which attract demons that then begin to afflict us.Man kneeling at the Cross of Jesus Christ Healing occurs through repentance for our sinful acts in creating these alters and coming to Jesus for healing of our broken or shattered hearts. He removes the alters, granting us a new heart and a new spirit (i.e. a heart that is no longer broken). Deliverance prayer follows, which removes demons that had attached themselves to these alters. This is a prayer approach which helps people identify sinful responses in their lives, repent of them and be set free by the hand of the Lord ministering directly to them and removing the alter. With the eyes of their hearts, the client can watch as Jesus removes these alters. The ministry involves the following steps:

  • We identify, thank and dismiss alters
  • We ask Jesus to remove alters
  • We command the demons that were connected to alters to leave in Jesus’ name; and
  • We ask the Holy Spirit to fill these vacant places.

Definition of “Alters”
An alter is an alternative personality (i.e. part) which has been created to assist in dealing with some trauma. This “alter” becomes a splinter part within one’s heart or soul. One’s core person may call upon this alter personality to come forward to “handle” the same or a similar trauma when it presents itself, even if it is many years later.