Welcome to Bob Lucy Ministries!

Bob Luy Ministries

Isaiah 53:5

But he was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities,
the punishment that brought us peace was upon Him, and by His wounds we are healed!


I’m very grateful for this opportunity to share how this ministry and website have been created. Years ago, serving as a minister and waiting on the deeper things of God to happen, I found myself frustrated. It seemed as though some areas of the scriptures were not true, particularly in the areas of healing, deliverance, and renewal. I spent years anointing people with oil in the name of the Lord, and nothing happened. As I was putting a sermon together, called “How to Resist the Devil so he Will Flee,” (James 4:7) in conversation with the Lord, I told him I was discouraged and spiritually burnt out.   I didn’t really believe that the enemy would flee from me, much less the people I was preaching to in the church. The Lord spoke to my mind and gave me a rhema word that changed my life and the life of many others. He distinctively and clearly spoke the words to my mind, “You can resist the devil all you want so that he will flee, but if he has a right to be there, he will not leave.” This rhema word changed the direction of my entire ministry and call.

If you consider the spiritual warfare that has gone on in your life, you will be able to see that it is based on the enemy trying to steal your call. This call is what the Lord has created you to do for the benefit of His kingdom and ministry. Also, you will be able to see that the enemy has used these areas to steal the promises of an abundant life which Christ came for us to have. I have spent years studying scriptures with the angle of thought, what would be the rights for the enemy in our lives to steal these covenant promises, the promises of Abraham, (Galatians 3:29).   This study has brought me to a place of realizing the areas in our lives the enemy can contaminate based on legal rights. During this time of learning the ways of the Lord, the requirements of God, learning the promises of Abraham and applying them to this ministry, I have seen many wonderful healings. These healings have been mental, physical, emotional, and relational, and include many wonderful restorations on the call of people’s lives. This website is a culmination of these studies: the areas in our lives that need to be redeemed which means acknowledged and the blood of Jesus applied to them through repentance. Once these areas are acknowledged and repented for, the areas of contamination will become redeemed. This breaks the rights to the enemy in our lives in these areas.   All of this information will be used in an upcoming book the Lord has put on my heart to write called, How to Resist the Devil so He Will Flee: A Field Manual for Deliverance.  My prayer is that this information on the website will bless you and give you what you need to move forward in your own call and experience more of Him in your life.

Bob’s is a prayer ministry of identifying and releasing “alters” to Jesus.

Here is a summary of Bob’s ministry:
When we choose to handle things on our own, rather than abiding in Jesus, we create “alters” (see definition, below) within our hearts which attract demons that then begin to afflict us. Healing occurs through repentance for our sinful acts in creating these alters and coming to Jesus for healing of our broken or shattered hearts. He removes the alters, granting us a new heart and a new spirit (i.e. a heart that is no longer broken). Deliverance prayer follows, which removes demons that had attached themselves to these alters.

This is a prayer approach which helps people identify sinful responses in their lives, repent of them and be set free by the hand of the Lord ministering directly to them and removing the alter. With the eyes of their hearts, the client can watch as Jesus removes these alters.

The ministry involves the following steps:

  • We identify, thank and dismiss alters
  • We ask Jesus to remove alters
  • We command the demons that were connected to alters to leave in Jesus’ name; and
  • We ask the Holy Spirit to fill these vacant places.

Definition of “alters”
An alter is an alternative personality (i.e. part) which has been created to assist in dealing with some trauma. This “alter” becomes a splinter part within one’s heart or soul.

One’s core person may call upon this alter personality to come forward to “handle” the same or a similar trauma when it presents itself, even if it is many years later.